Gable End

4 bed mixed home for boys and girls Ofsted rating: ‘Good’


Inspires a positive outlook towards the future 
Prepares for Independent living
Sets a pathway to meeting full potential
Develops Confident Responsible Adults

Gable End

Gable End is a mixed home for 4 young people between the ages of 9 to 16

The Home provides a safe, homely and nurturing environment where young people are supported as they try to turn their lives around and resume self-control and responsibility for their own behaviour. The young people are helped to develop their own sense of identity and individuality as they try new experiences and express their own opinions and feelings safely supported by an enthusiastic and well-trained staff team.

Gable End

The Home is recognised by Ofsted as a ‘Good’ provision for both Care and Education.

Placement at Gable End can be a stepping stone in breaking negative cycles of behaviour. The relative seclusion of the Home allows the young people the space to address their past and deal with unresolved feelings. The level of staff support allows for consistency of care and clear boundary setting, and also containment of any especially difficult behaviour. However, proximity to Ipswich ensures access to a wide range of recreational activities.

Young people are encouraged to access the extensive range of hobbies and activities that are available in the local area, this includes horse riding, gym membership, voluntary work, dance classes, singing lessons, skiing lessons, sailing, the Air Training Corps, rollerskating and many other of the enjoyable pursuits that we are fortunate to have available in the Suffolk region.

This is a therapeutic home, run according to the principles of Social Pedagogy. Maintaining boundaries, and ensuring established routines are followed, are an essential part of the day.

The staff at the home are encouraged to make their decisions in the spirit of “good parents”. In particular they are reminded that as a “good parent” they should take appropriate action to prevent young people in their care from running into danger, should they have reason to believe that this is being considered.

To protect the safety and welfare of our young people, we do not publish our Statement of Purpose and Function on our website, but a copy is available by request.

Download our Ofsted Report

Statement of purpose available to local authority (by request).


Please call us on 01449 770690 or email


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